Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Ow My Balls.

I was flipping through the boob tube the other day (I love the term boob tube, because whoever came up with it was probably so excited that you got to see boobs on TV that they named it that) and I came across a show called WipeOut. I caught about five minutes of it and realized "Holy Shit, this is "Ow, My Balls" from Idiocracy.

If you've yet to see Idiocracy, see it, it's fucking genius. Here's the basic premise as told by wikipedia.

"The film tells the story of two ordinary people who are taken into a top-secret military hibernation experiment that goes awry, and awaken 500 years in the future. They discover that the world has degenerated into a dystopia where advertising, commercialism, and cultural anti-intellectualism run rampant and dysgenic pressure has resulted in a uniformly stupid human society devoid of individual responsibility or consequences."

I could have better described it but I have to actually do some kind of work today. In the movie, "Ow My Balls" is the most popular show in America in the future. It consists of a guy constantly getting injured in the balls. WipeOut, which is a real show today, airs Wednesday at 8PM, 7 Central, is basically the same concept. Actual proof that the predictions Idiocracy makes about our declining society will come true. Scares the piss out of me honestly. I don't know where they even find the tards to come on this show.

Ow My Balls
Ow! My balls!


Poor Jacob!

Our society is fucked!

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