Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Selfish People

I'm convinced that 99% of our population has narcissistic personality disorder. Definition, Wikipedia, I know I know, but Wikipedia kinda rocks the shit now: a pervasive pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration, and a lack of empathy. The narcissist is described as turning inward for gratification rather than depending on others and as being excessively preoccupied with issues of personal adequacy, power, and prestige. Narcissistic personality disorder is closely linked to self-centeredness."

If you don't believe me that so much of our population is riddled with this disease, just go on Facebook. I've never actually done this, but would be interested to see someone who dared to try. I just see so much narcissism on Facebook, it supports my claim ten fold. You should try it. The next time you see someone reaching out, feeling so bad about themselves that they feel the need to share it with their world of friends/co-workers/ex-schoolmates/adquaintances, whether it's in an update or just hating how they look in pics and fishing for compliments. Pick up the phone and call that person. Tell them you knew they were sad and wanted to know if they want to talk. Listen to them bitch, they will really appreciate you care enough to pick up the phone and call them, trust me. Then, contact them when you have an issue, even if it's made up, just do it, see if they care, do they listen to you? probably not. They'll more than likely just wait until it's their turn to talk, cut you off a few times in the process and then give some story about how their baby is waking up from a nap, they need to do some work or that they're "hubby" will be home soon from work and they need to finish dinner. "Hubby". Who knew that people still referred to their husband as hubby until Facebook came along? And if they do comment on your situation direct, they'll find a way to tie it into their situation after you're done speaking. These people should not procreate.

I have NO IDEA how this ties into what I just wrote. But I just stumbled upon this and can't believe I forgot about this cheesy ass sitcom. "Be Good To Yourself... and Each Other" ~ Jerry Springer.

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