Monday, August 24, 2009


So when I am connected to myself, I feel a certain connection to tides and currents.  and yes, I read my horoscope every morning.  Perhaps it's a bit hippie-ish, a big stoner-ish, or just a bit gay-ish.  But thats....okay.  This is mine today, and I can't agree with it more pertaining to how I've been feeling lately.  I had a restful yet fun weekend, and this week shall be an easy-going one with no bullshit drama; only real ideas, people and exchanges.  I'll make god damn sure of it.
"Every now and then, you need to get emotionally intense, experience a tender exchange of sentiments or just sit down and have a heart-to-heart with someone. This is definitely one of those times. You won't settle for anything that even remotely smacks of a surface encounter. You want depth, intensity and passion -- and if you don't get them, you'll take your toys and go home."
I'm sick of superficial bullshit.  I live in a region of the nation that thrives off of superficial bullshit encounters with one another.  I'm done with it.  Bring it deep or take it to the streets people.  Life's too short to play games.


  1. Move back why don't cha???? Isn't there a judge that tapes in Tampa? TONS of people are working from home these days....tell them you'd like to try it out! Then you can sit in the sand with your laptop and really be inspired!

  2. Aw, Rockin' Relkin. I heart the hell outta ya!
